This program was created by fitness coach and healthy weight loss specialist,
Let's say goodbye to unwanted pounds and inches! Let's start living our lives with a perfect body, confidence, and health!
This program is perfect for you if:
You want to feel like a queen!
You aren't able to go to the gym, and only workouts at home suit you
You're waiting for that powerful push to get yourself in shape
You're afraid to weigh yourself and don't like looking at yourself in the mirror
You feel a constant lack of energy and positive emotions
You can't control your appetite in the evenings or you eat before bed
The program consists of:
The workout is aimed at cardiovascular system strengthening and core muscle development.
With a focus on the problem zones and a thorough workout of the entire body as effectively as possible!

All exercises are done together with the coach so as to avoid making any mistakes in the techniques.
With this workout, you won't have any thoughts about stopping and finishing right in the middle of the process.
You can do the workout at home.
It suits any fitness level; for beginners, as well as for those who are more physically fit.
A full one-hour workout with Katya Medushkina
A simple and effective set of yoga exercises for body development, weight loss, and inner balance.

5 simple yoga exercises that will be healthy both for beginners and advanced.

In the video, you'll learn how to perform yoga exercises for weight loss properly, how many reps you need to do, and what result you will achieve within a week of exercising at home.
A yoga workout for body development and stabilization of your emotional well-being
You will learn what calories are, why you need to count them, and what Protein-Fats-Carbs even mean.

This is your crib note for arranging a balanced diet for you and your family members in order to achieve your goals: lose weight, tone up your body, or bulk up, etc.
When you know how to lose weight properly, you are a few steps closer to your goal!
A "Calories-Protein-Fats-Carbs" checklist
- not done
Make sure to analyze your results at the end of the month.
- done
It takes at least 3 weeks to form a habit, but a month is even better!

A tracker is a great way to adopt healthy habits without having to stress about them.

It's a table intended for use over a month that you'll use to write all your healthy habits down that you want to adopt or bad habits that you want to break. Then, you just need to hang up your tracker in the MOST prominent place and mark down every habit you maintain on a daily basis.
Habit tracker
How to follow this express program
1. Print out the "Calories-Protein-Fats-Carbs" checklist and make the calculations in accordance with your measurements.

2. Create a nutrition menu for the next 3 days.

3. Do the one-hour aerobic workout or set of yoga exercises, (the optimal frequency - working out 3 times a week).

4. Print out the habit tracker, choose 1-2 healthy habits that you'd like to adopt and start tracking your path to success.
Katya Medushkina
the creator of the program
I follow my own programs so that, in my 40s, I look younger than I did when I was;
I've been living by and working in the weight loss and healthy eating industry for more than 6 years;
Certified healthy diet professional;
Sports nutritionist;
The creator of the most effective regular and intensive weight loss courses, natural rejuvenation, and healthy lifestyles;
Made more than 45,000 participants of my projects happy;
Instructor-practitioner who has done more than 4,000 hours of live streams, lectures, and educational videos;
"Healthy eating" prize winner supported by the Ministry of Health "For personal contribution in popularization and implementation of healthy eating systems";
All-round champion in the "Fitness-bikini" category of the federation of NABBA Israel.
Your results after the express program
New habits that will lead to a healthy body and optimum weight
You'll be proud of yourself and your results
A much higher level of energy due to triggering your metabolism
Slim body without diets and starvation, as well as grueling training
Your personal formula for protein, fats, and carbs balance to help keep yourself slim
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